SoundLAB - sonic art projects


sound-logo1SoundLab has been an artistic & curatorial platform for sonic art between 2004 and 2023. As its founder and creator, Agricola de Cologne curated and realized in total seven major editions of sonic art online, which have been presented on numerous festival and audio-visual exhibitions/events, among others “FILE Hypersonica” in Sao Paulo/Brazil, and one physical exhibition, entitled: “soundOBJECTS”, in Valencia in 2008.

soundlab_page_02Initiated as a corporate part of the global networking project [R][R][F]200x—>XP on occasion of its participation in Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia 2004, SoundLAB invited during its seven years success artists and curators dealing with sonic and radio art.

Agricola de Cologne did not only create the interface for the seven editions and curated this virtual space, similiar like he practized it with “JavaMuseum”, but as as someone who had a profound musical education, but was no expert in soundart, he curated the soundart submission from his point of view as a creative in arts, so he di it from his very personal point of view.

It was his interest in this particular medium using sound creatively but differently than music, but it is the nature of sonic art, that it is related to music and practiced by musicians as a non-visual medium.

It was fascinating to find out that like in visual art, also this in type of non-visual art the creator found their specific personal language to express themself. It was always a great pleasure for Agricola de Cologne to be confronted with different kind of artistic creativity under his curatorship.

Therefore, he initiated in 2006 “SIP _ SoundLAB interview Project”. He invited the participants of the SoundLAB editions to answer 10 questions of an interview, in order to give the audience background information about the creation of sonic art.

The seven editions of SoundLAB are complete available online for the user. After a complete renovation, SoundLAB will become an historical monument of digital art like JavaMuseum for netart for 10 years net-based art from 2000-2010, and VideoChannel another artistic platform rising from the global networking project [R][R][F]200x—>XP-
