SoundLAB - sonic art projects

MacKisack, Matthew

Matthew MacKisack

Matthew MacKisack is a visual and sound artist working in London/UK. He is currently a doctoral researcher in Visual Arts at Goldsmiths college.

Detailed bio

Work title:
Miracle Centre
object, 2007,
100cm / 100cm / 10cm

Matthew MacKissak - title: miracle centre, 2007 Matthew MacKissak - title: miracle centre, 2007

click the thumbnails to enlarge the images

technical specifications:
light box, speakers, CD player

“Miracle Centre” comprises a light box with text on the front and speakers and CD player hidden behind. The text is a transcription of a field recording made in 2007 of a spiritualist giving an account of their healing. The CD and speakers play the original recording on a loop. The text is made to the rigorous standards of “transcription analysis” – by combining the elements in this manner it is intended to foreground the difficulties of representation and memory that surround religious experience, whilst critique digitization’s transferal of knowledge.