Dario Lazzaretto
Dario Lazzaretto, born in Padova 1975, is working on sound art and installations, which he has exhibited nationally and internationally.
Work title
Falling in love
object; 2007
mixed media (music made with keyboard and pc music, installed on Cd player in a wood box with some little mechanism)
click the thumbnail to enlarge the image
A Little machine to give the sensation of “first look” quick falling love in his rapid emotional evolution – as I felt and actually feeling it – and of course translated in sound. Simply putting on the headphones and pressing the heart-shaped wooden button, you can hear the sound. IT WILL BE, AS THE SAMPLE HERE, AT FIRST PLEASANT AND SOFT AND, AT THE END, IT STOPS SUDDENLY WITH A REALLY ANNOYING PEEK.
NOTE: please listen to it with stereo headphones. Do not listen with stereo at full power – it can damage the woofer – and do not mind if the sound in the end seems to be louder than necessary and “scratch” a little. It is intentional.