SoundLAB - sonic art projects

Lazzaretto, Dario

Dario Lazzaretto

Dario Lazzaretto, born in Padova 1975, is working on sound art and installations, which he has exhibited nationally and internationally.

Detailed bio


Work title
Falling in love
object; 2007
mixed media (music made with keyboard and pc music, installed on Cd player in a wood box with some little mechanism)

Dario Lazzaretto - title: Falling in Love, 2007 click the thumbnail to enlarge the image

A Little machine to give the sensation of “first look” quick falling love in his rapid emotional evolution – as I felt and actually feeling it – and of course translated in sound. Simply putting on the headphones and pressing the heart-shaped wooden button, you can hear the sound. IT WILL BE, AS THE SAMPLE HERE, AT FIRST PLEASANT AND SOFT AND, AT THE END, IT STOPS SUDDENLY WITH A REALLY ANNOYING PEEK.

NOTE: please listen to it with stereo headphones. Do not listen with stereo at full power – it can damage the woofer – and do not mind if the sound in the end seems to be louder than necessary and “scratch” a little. It is intentional.

Funding Dario Lazzaretto